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One of our customers, Mr. Ashok deals in Solar Panels. He recently got a huge order from one of the state governments. He will get some advance payment but it won’t cover the initial investment in buying Solar Panels. Since, its a government order, full payment is assured after completion. However, his biggest challenge now is to raise capital for next 3 months.This is where working capital loans can come handy. Mr. Ashok can take this short term loan, buy his equipment and then replay the loan once he gets paid.In this article, I will explain how to get working capital loans in India. Read more to learn about eligibility criteria to get business loan, when you should consider this type of loan
 and which sites can help you get it.Working Capital Loan can be defined as a loan availed by the firms for covering their daily operational expenses. These loans are the excellent way for the businesses to become more focused growth and generate capital. The working capital loans in India have become popular among the business owners for tackling with their financial needs. These loans are not used for buying long-term assets and generally used for covering wages, accounts payable and other similar operations.This loan is applicable for the small & medium enterprises for augmenting their working capital needs and meeting the daily operational expenditure. The majority of 
The  capital working loans is unsecured, however the loans with high risks need some guarantee. The usual duration of a working capital in our country is from 6 to 12 months, whereas the interest rate ranges anywhere between 11% to 16% depending on the lender.The main purpose of this loan is to finance the short-term operational needs of a company. When a firm doesn’t have enough money on the hand for dealing with their daily expenses, they gegenera
for the working capital loans. In simple words, these loans are the corporate debt borrowings that are used by a firm for tackling with their daily expenses. There are lots of companies 

in India who doesn’t have a stable revenue all over the year. They work on a cyclical sales model that depends on the requirements of the retailer.The majority of the retailers sells most of their products during the festival season in India. The companies normally conduct most of their production activities during the off-seasons to supply fulfil the demands during the peak season. So, when the peak season arises, the manufacturing purchases are reduced by the retailers because they target on selling through their inventory and the manufacturing sales get minimized due to this.The companies having this type of working model often go for a working capital loan for paying the salaries and 
other daily expenses 
 Thecompanies repaid this loan as soon as they hit the busy season and don’t require financing anymore.As mentioned above, the working capital loans are made for using a specific purpose, i.e. dealing with daily business operations, however there can be some different reasons for borrowing money from a lender. Have a look at the top reasons for taking a working capital lloais that eligible firms can get short-term loans that include inventory loans, accounts receivable credit lines or bank lines of credit in a shorter period of time. These loans are generally flexible with varying repayment terms and interest rates, that help the firms with the seasonal fluctuations in smoothing out their cash flow